Everything You Need to Know about Getting Your Home Inspected Before Selling

Everything You Need to Know about Getting Your Home Inspected Before Selling

  • Anthony D'Alicandro
  • 12/28/23

Selling your home can be daunting and filled with numerous challenges and decisions. One critical step in the process is getting your home inspected before putting it on the market. A thorough home inspection not only helps you understand the condition of your property but also allows you to address potential issues before they become obstacles in the selling process. This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about getting your home inspected before selling.

Why the Home Inspection Matters

Uncovering Hidden Issues

Home inspections are designed to reveal potential problems that might be lurking beneath the surface. From structural issues to hidden water damage, a professional inspection can identify issues that may not be apparent during a casual walkthrough.

Boosting Buyer Confidence

A pre-listing inspection can boost buyer confidence. When potential buyers see that you've taken the initiative to complete a professional inspection ahead of the game, it demonstrates transparency and a commitment to the property's condition. This can set your listing apart in a competitive market.

Setting a Realistic Price Point

Understanding the true condition of your home allows you to set a realistic asking price. If there are significant issues, pricing your home accordingly prevents surprises during negotiations and helps you avoid overpricing or underpricing.

Negotiating Power

With a pre-listing inspection report at the ready, you have the opportunity to address concerns before negotiations. This can lead to smoother transactions and potentially higher offers, as buyers may feel more secure in their investment.

When to Schedule a Home Inspection

Before Listing

It's advisable to schedule a home inspection before listing your property on the market. This proactive approach allows you to identify and address issues on your terms, potentially reducing the time your home spends on the market.

After Renovations

If you've recently completed renovations or repairs, consider a post-renovation inspection. This ensures that the work was done to code and highlights any remaining issues that might affect the sale.

Finding the Right Home Inspector

Credentials and Certification

Look for inspectors with relevant certifications, such as those from the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) or the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). These organizations set standards for professionalism and expertise.


Consider the inspector's experience, especially in your local market. An inspector who is highly familiar with regional building codes and common issues is better equipped to identify potential problems.

Sample Reports

Request sample inspection reports to understand the inspector's thoroughness and clarity. A well-documented report can be a valuable tool during negotiations.


Your agent can recommend trusted local professionals with a reputation for excellence. Ask for references from previous clients. Reviews and testimonials provide insights into the inspector's reliability and the quality of their service.

What Does the Inspection Cover?

Structural Integrity

Inspectors assess the foundation, walls, and roof for signs of structural issues. Cracks, settling, or water damage can indicate potential problems that should be addressed.

Electrical System

A thorough inspection evaluates the electrical system and identifies any outdated wiring, potential fire hazards, or the need for upgrades.


Inspectors check for leaks, proper drainage, and the overall condition of the plumbing system. Issues like water damage or faulty pipes can be costly to repair.

Roof and Attic

The condition of the roof and attic is crucial. Inspectors look for leaks, damaged shingles, proper insulation, and signs of pests or mold.

HVAC System

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is inspected for functionality and potential issues. An efficient HVAC system is a significant selling point for your buyers.


Kitchen appliances are checked for proper functioning. A pre-listing inspection may reveal the need for repairs or updates to enhance the property's appeal.

Safety Features

Home inspectors assess the presence and functionality of safety features like smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and handrails.

Interpreting the Inspection Report

After the inspection is completed, you’ll be given an inspection report detailing the findings and any areas of concern. Your agent will help you understand this document and address any issues.

Understand Priorities

Not all issues identified in an inspection report are of equal importance. Work with your real estate agent to prioritize necessary repairs based on their impact on safety, habitability, and the property's value.

Negotiation Strategies

Use the inspection report strategically during negotiations. You can offer to make certain repairs, adjust the asking price, or provide credits to the buyer to address any identified issues.

A pre-listing home inspection is a valuable tool for sellers hoping to streamline the selling process and maximize the value of their property. Ultimately, investing time and effort into a comprehensive home inspection before selling is essential for a successful transaction. If you’re ready to achieve a top-dollar sale, Anthony D'Alicandro of the Dwell Real Estate Team is ready to help you today!

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